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Portugal as wise and enlightened nation

Portugal has lead the greatest transformation in the Middle Ages becoming from scratch, new country to a leading maritime nation in the world. The Templars brought the knowledge from Jerusalem to Portugal and started a new nation stimulation new technology and geometric design building all kinds of cathedrals based on the collection of wisdom from the world and especially in the Middle East, Jerusalem, which was a crucible of all kinds of cultures and wisdom after the Roman Emperor in the establishment of the Catholic Church in 400 Alexandria with his enormous library of all the knowledge gathered from the western world from Egypt, Greece to Persia, Sumerians, etc. burned and commanded to burn all heretical books. It is for the Islamists and the Templars who once again studied and produced the discoveries of more frightened, led to the knowledge we now have on the latest computer models.

Portugal as great example for aspiration, innovation and the serving principle of God, Nation and humanity. The history of Portugal.

In courses, lectures, movies, multimedia the establishment of Portugal will be pictured in such a way that we can learn about the motives and organizational power finding its basics in being a knight elevating life on earth in the name of John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, Maria Magdalena.

- The ideals of the founding fathers in the beginning of 12th century.

- the chivalric motivation as organizational principle of life for knights, orders and society, churches following the Cathar and Templar belief structure with divine knowledge from the Old Catholic Church written down by Essenes in the first century BC and AD and later rediscovered in the 19th and 20th century with Dead Sea scrolls, Dag Hammadi and Qumran Gnostic Gospels of Essenes being complimentary to the existing Old and New Testament of the Catholic Church.

- The organization of life in society in Portugal with high respect for females in line with the adoration of Maria Magdalena and the great role for parfaites like in the Cathars helping and healing society with natural herbs and spiritual praying. High developed spiritual womans with supernatural capability who have been sought for their wisdom, strength, insight of life and afterlife and healing.

- Portugal as spiritual society believing in the power of supernatural wisdom and the influence of the supernatural world far away from world vision by the Catholic Church and in line with the mystical life of King Athur and Merlin expressed in the great Mediveal stories.

- The application of science, the implementation in new knowledge about life and the earth with new inventions, products and discoveries sailing the world seas and bringing continents together.

- The new revolution within Portugal leading to an innovated life with a total new set of rules, paradigma, motivation for living, coming closer to inner being and relation with God.

- The Order of Santiago of with all knights, nobility, discoverors, Vasco da Gama and Kings have been member and their influence and the shaping of Portugal as country with their ideals and higher aim for society.

- The chivalric principle, power and strife to create a better life on earth in service of God within Portugal making knight and discoverors traveling by ship on far unknown, dangerous  saeas, worlds just for bringing the world together for a higher aim and not for a calculated economic goal to create more wealth like the later Catholic Church and discoveries from European countries like Spain, England, the Netherlands. The ideals of the first discoveries from Portugal had a higher aim to bring the world together in peace and harmony learning from each other and seeing each culture as expression of the holy knowledge as found in the higher knowledge and wisdom in Solomon Temple.

- The early motivation of chivalric Portugal is an example for the era we are living in now as humanity loosing track in egoism, exploitatione and capitalistic in the interest of the few who has exploited the world for own interest the last 500 years.







What were the Templars doing in Portugal? Why were the Templars so focused in Portugal? What has Jerusalem got to do with Portugal? Why was Portugal Europe’s first nation-state? How and why did the Templars secretly continued in Portugal after 1307 as the Order of Christ until the middle of the 19th century?

Out of the book "First Templar Nation:

How the Knights Templar created Europe’s first nation-state".

©Freddy Silva, 2012. The Templars’ Greatest Accomplishment is the One Story Never Told.

"And so the Templars and the Cistercians secured their own territory as far from papal interference as one could get in medieval Europe. The big question is, what were the Templars doing two thousand miles west of Jerusalem, years before they were officially sanctioned by Baudoin II? Much of the answer becomes evident if one takes a broader view that embraces the cultural and spiritual aspects of the inner brotherhood that constituted the nucleus of the Order and the age in which it manifested.

The period in which the Templars were born was characterized by an economy based on plunder and an overarching religious entity that tolerated nothing outside its strict Catholic dogma. Self-empowerment was denied, and worse, to connect spiritually with your god required doing so through an intermediary such as a priest or bishop. The alternative route to spiritual self-expression was through initiation into the Mysteries taught by Gnostic sects — groups such as the Cathars or Bogomils, and the teachings of their predecessors, the Essenes, the Nazorites, particularly their priestly messiah John the Baptist. Their rituals and beliefs are echoes of ancient Egyptian Mysteries schools whose central tenet was the enlightenment of the individual in this lifetime through an initiatory (and figurative) resurrection, otherwise known as the ritual of ‘raising the dead’.

The connection between these sects and the Knights Templar is that all of them consisted of an inner brotherhood which one could join only after a one-year period of observation. To them was entrusted the teachings of the Mysteries. Since its initiates were exposed to a knowledge that opened their vision and understanding of the Universe, they were considered enlightened or ‘risen’. By contrast, those who fell outside the teachings walked through life as though asleep, thus they were viewed as unaware or ‘dead’.

Not surprisingly, in the 12th century such a concept of self-awareness fell foul of the Catholic Church, who’d manufactured a monopoly on ‘resurrection’, particularly as its carefully selected canon was based on a literal, and thus erroneous interpretation of the principle of resurrection. Needless to say that any ‘pagan’ and ‘heretical’ sects who ‘raised the dead’ were systematically run underground or met a slow and gruesome death. (Incidentally, the original meaning of heretic is ‘someone in possession of the facts who is able to choose’.)

Shortly before their persecution, the Essenes buried scrolls outlining such practices under Temple Mount, with further copies secreted in caves at Qumram, where they would be discovered in 1947. Around 1120 the Templars unearthed the first set of scrolls after tunneling under Temple Mount. Godefroi de Saint-Omer, one of the original knights, brought them back to his namesake town to be decrypted by the scholar Lambert; other scrolls were handed to a Kabbalistic School in nearby Troyes who enjoyed the support of Bernard de Clairvaux and Count Hugh de Champagne.

Like the Essenes, the Knights Templar also consisted of two groups: an outer group who dealt with temporal matters, and an inner brotherhood who followed an initiatory Gnostic tradition of enlightenment and whose behavior and ideas were more akin to a ministerial college. Entry required a waiting period of one year, and vows made by incoming Templar recruits such as Arnold of Sournia unequivocally imply that admittance into this inner brotherhood held a promise of some considerable spiritual benefit: “I, wishing to come to the joys of Paradise, surrender my body and my soul to the Lord God…”.

So in our program visitors can learn about the history of Portugal:

- understand the ideals and motivations foundings fathers/kings

- the serving, chivalric character of the knight and Order of Knights like the Order of Santiago

- the difference between the canonical Catholic Church since 397AD and the Essenes, early Old Catholic Church in the first and second century AD and the later Bogomils in Eastern Europe, Cathars in South France, Templars.

- the different development and growth in culture, organisation, religious life and individual mindset from 1200 till 1500 in Portugal on the one hand influenced by the principles of a rather independent operating Templars and on the other hand the rest of Europe which had to live under the rules and dogmas of the Catholic and Orthodox Church.

The Order of the Temple of Solomon


Ancient wisdom and sacred knowledge is the collective world heritage of humanity, and one of the world’s greatest and only true “treasures” with special attention in the line of the founding fathers of Portugal, who have been inspired by what Templars found in Jerusalem with their excavation of the Temple of Solomon in beginning of the 12th century (as centre and university bringing together over 12,000 years of the collective spiritual heritage of humanity

- Learning about Templar Priesthood as followers of the early Christians, the Essenes and their relation, differences with the Catholic Church. The Knights Templar were founded in the Biblical Temple of Solomon, which they excavated for a nine year period. This Solomonic Temple was in fact Pharaonic Egyptian, embodying the most ancient Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18-20; I Kings 1:39) of the Biblical Magi (II Samuel 15:25-27; Ezekiel 44:15, 48:11; Matthew 2:1-2), of which Jesus was High Priest (Hebrews 5:5, 5:6, 5:10, 6:20, 7:17, 7:20).


The legendary Templar Priesthood thus consists of the earliest origins of classical Christianity, since the beginning of recorded history, tracing back to ca. 10,068 BC. These Templar roots also constitute the underlying foundations of all major spiritual religions, unifying diverse denominations and religious traditions of the world. As a result, the Templar Order is inherently and necessarily interfaith and non-denominational, while also preserving cultural Catholicism.


Authentic Templar spirituality is a form of esoteric Gnosticism, which is wholly compatible with the canonical Christian Mysticism of classical Catholicism. Gnostic spirituality primarily concentrates on direct personal Divine Communion through the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, Templarism does not impose any particular beliefs upon its members, and does not require any specific religious practices. The original Templar traditions thus fully accommodate and support religious diversity and spiritual individuality.


Templar spirituality is generally characterized by reverence of the “Divine Feminine” principle, individual daily prayer, frequent spiritual meditation, including with vocal chanting, esoteric “energy work” as spiritual alchemy involving “Chakras”, and “metaphysical science” exploring spiritual energies. Such practices share an affinity with ancient European Celtic and Druid spirituality, esoteric Western traditions such as Hermetic Theosophy and Rosicrucianism, classical Eastern traditions such as Hinduism and Kriya Yoga, and ancient Arabian spirituality such as the Sufi mysticism within Islam.

New chivalry, service to humanity

Courses about the knights in Medivael time and the wish and need to come to a new chivalric behaviour in ius humans making saving life on earth and our planet as our highest strife, goal, contract.

- Being of service to humanity can become the new thriving, vibrating force, the new knights, chivalry for being responsible for our own life and live our life the fullest sothat we can use our talents for service to humanity, for nature and our planet earth, to give it to others, our family, friends and neigbors, our community, our country and globally with learning models for healing and growth as human, group, society, nation and earth.

1. Wisdom of Jerusalem

The crossroad, melting pot of knowledge and wisdom in Jerusalem with gnostic wisdom, Essenes, Islam, Sufi, Egypt, Greece, Persian, Sumerians and inventions, rediscovered old knowledge and applied by from the 8th century under the influence of new born religion, the Islam. All of this brought by Templars to Portugal 1100 with info about the great teachings, sacred wisdom, importancy for Templars.

2. Ideals founding fathers Portugal 1150

In all it is important to use the strength of Portugal to the maximum by which we go back to the start of Portugal and find the political aims of the founding kings of Portugal and the institutions that has been developed that made it possible to develop Portugal so rapidly and making it leading in maritime power. Also important is it to do research for the motives of early discoverors of the world and the Kings of Portugal stimulating to learn about the new world and not with the motive to exploit and get richer but to bring together the different nations and cultures and uplift life all over the world to let them share the knowledge Portugal themselves had found in Jerusalem and implemented in their own rise to power, stregth and richness.

In our opinion we can learn from the old principles that has been shaping early Portuguese society, economic, religious and cultural life. These principles as outcome of knowledge and wisdom brought to Portugal under the influence of Templars we think are interesting to rewrite again and make popular. Tell the truth to the world about the value, worth and strength Portugal had in early days.

3. Life in Portugal 1150-1600

with innovation, culture, faith, health, the wisdom and scientific knowledge Portugal imported from the Near and Middle East to be applied and implemented in the development of the country. This means for Portugal to show how they made as society  and nation new steps in development from their establishment in the 12th century. What made Portugal as it was in the 13th, 14th, 15th century, a leading nation in the world brought by implementing all sorts of new inventions from another continent (Asia-Jerusalem) to their country, Europe?

What did Portugal encounter in Jerusalem and how did they, as wise men/nation, acquire knowledge and wisdom from everywhere and introduced it into the development of their country? That is what we want to show from scientific view, economic, social and cultural / religious.

This video is about Arabs but much knowledge has been understood and implemented by Templars in Europe and especially in Portugal since it's establishment in 1150 bringing new techniques, products, markets, business, national development, lifestyles, faith, celebration, togetherness, enthusiasm, progression, growth and future oriented spirit in the country daring and being convinced that it was for the good of all Portuguese to do the utmost for a better life on earth serving humanity






What new inventions have been applied in Portugal and translated to our resort to show what Portugal took advantage of in technological development, society, what benefits    they had with it. So give an insight into the advantage that Portugal had with new knowledge, wisdom and technology and how we could do that again with our latest Low Carbon techniques  to create a new paradigma for more health, wealth and happiness saving the earth and by that humanity, nature. 


Historic event in Idanha a Velha/Idanha a Nova, Portugal 14, 15 Octobre 2017









The next information is very opening up and shocking to let sink in its implementation and insights giving clear motives for rewriting this important part of the history of Portugal as it is now accepted generally:

- the Count of Alburquerque (the Portuguese) visited the inland of New Mexico in the

16th century with 200 inhabitants of Alburquerque and brought treasury with him to be destributed under the members of his sailtrip and visit. The treasury was given peacefully by a wealthy and rich tribe living in the inland of New Mexico, USA as a tribute and present for his/their visit. How is this possible? This is supernatural. This is high development of the soul and attributes of humanity to see on more places and be able to forsee the future developed by the Native Americans and also by the wise medicine women/parfaites from Portugal guiding and helping the leaders and knight of Portugal in their journeys and responcibilities. The witch hunt started with the Inquisition in Portugal given as present to a princess of Spain for accepting marriage with Portuguese prince around 1500 destroying this natural and harmonieus infrastructure of Portugal to heal and guide people and nation and many parfaites and people who sticked to their faith have been killed on the pyre. Also in Portugal. New research is necessary about this rudelessly, forcefully killing of humans, of wisdom and beauty from Portugal.

The start of the Inquisition in Portugal and the lost of the original, authentic power, wisdom and strength of Portugal with the conquering and taking over of power by Spain and the Catholic Church in 1570.

We need to do new research to help to bring back

                                               "THE LOST SOUL OF PORTUGAL".

1. An important scholar from Portugal researching history of Portugal, mister Manual Gandra found out that there is a writing from the King of Portugal giving allowance for taking in 100 refugees from Cathar land in South France during the time of the Inquisition in Southern France in the beginning 14th century. Many cities in the region of Idanha a Nova have taken names from cities from South France and Manual Gandra also found many habits from Southern France transported to Portugal.

2. What we should do research for is what the actual influence has been on the portuguese culture and religion by the influx from refugees from Cathars in the life of Portugal. It is our conviction that Portugal had the religion of Cathars and Templars follow the the teachings of John, the Baptist, Maria Magdalena, the Essenes, the Gnostic Church. The high religion and culture of the Middle Ages in European expressed by the construction of 200 new Gothic Cathedrals build in the 13th and 14th centuries stimulated and constructed under guidance and knowledge of the Templars in Europe. One example is Cathedral of Chartres with much knowledge from Jerusalem and Alexandria, Egypt where till 400 AD all the high wisdom written in books was centralized in the Library of Alexandria. The New founded Catholic Church came to power in Rome and decided that all books and knowledge other then the Church religion and 4 gospels should be destroyed and burned.

3. It is this what we are touching with the history of Portugal being a reflection of the powerplay by the Catholic Church dominating life since 400 AD and destroying so much knowledge of life, in health, in healing a society, in medicines, in knowledge about God and how to come to Him, inn how to lead a life full of satisfaction and fulfilment, how to grow as human, as individual, how to stimulate the use of more areas of our brain, how to have a healthy society, how to take care for eachother, how to make the smallest interest in a society to the most important, how to serve nature with the knowledge they had in those days, how to share wealth under the citizen, how to lead, how to serve as leaders.

There is so much we can learn from these period of time from the establishment in the 12th century till 1500 and for this period we want to stimulate doing research and tell the world about the strength and beauty, wisdom Portugal had in early days from which we can learn in shaping a better world with health and wealth for all. 

It is this total dynamic development force that brought Portugal so much progress, splendor making others envy such as the Spaniards, Castlle y Leon, Roman Catholic Church destroying the belief and faith structure, services to God for the protection of its own authority with the destruction of books, empowerment, burning of people on fireplaces, especially in Portugal after the invasion by Spain in 1570.

4. Portugal has been looted and cleverly cheated because they are too good of faith and only wanted to connect the world to eachother inspired by the ideals that the Templars brought to Portugal in the 12th century. If there is plenty, abundance then you can also share a lot. This difference in attitude seeing in the world is important because of the Spaniards and Catholics brought only selfishness and exploitation, abuse, destruction, oppression in the 16th century while the old Portuguese believed in the story of togetherness and progress, applying all knowledge and science  as service to Humanity, for the Higher. That's the difference between the old faith and culture of Portugal and the new dominant, exploitative mentality of Spain, Catholic Church and the rest of Europe. Here we are again and we want to tell and show the world the difference and how far Portugal has been developed already in all the new paths we want to go with bringer health, wealth and conscienceness on a higher level. Portugal as a wise, enlightened nation.

5. Exclusive news about the City of Alburquerque (till 1570 Portuguese, after that conquered by Spain and since that time Spanish).


New research should be started up about the history of the Alburquerque. History books will be rewritten. Our New Lifestyle Resort will stimulate new research and the publicing of new books, presentations because of concentration and focusing on the life in Portugal from its beginning till the 17th century:

Everybody can know about the facts. Next information has been a lecture about Alburquerque history till 1570 Portuguese and explained by tourist officer of the city.

- Established in 1250 by the illigitimate son of the King of Portugal, count Alburquerque with new law that gave to the female in a wedding the same rights as a man. This equal rights is still being celebrated every years as an enormous achivement and it is. Nobody in the world is knowing about it but it is so enormous in the gender equality movement: The year anno 1250. Dark Age in Europe but not in Portugal

- In the 15th or 16th century (I have forgotten) the Count of Alburquerque asked on his citizens to go with him to new land by boat where he had contact with a tribe what is now called New Mexico in USA and he promised to share the gifts they would get from the tribe.

The Tourist Officer told me that the ship, count and 200 people returned and the gifts have been shared. It was a rich treasury that created jealousy in Spain and the Catholic Church. The count has been killed on his next trip to USA preparing the possibility of emigration of his people, citizens with different beliefs that the Catholic Church and he knew how dangerous and destructive the Catholic Church was that he felt the necessity to find a new home, land for them to evacuate and flee. It was too late. His ships have been entered by the Spanish fleet, thrown over board, the City of Alburquerque conquered by the Spanish killing many people from Alburquerque, tortured them to choose the Catholic faith and sworn off the Johannite faith with Cathars and Templar basics and changed the deeper culture and knowledge of Portugal, destroyed the history books. All discoverors have been Templars and nobody knows. 


6. Portugal has been castrated by the Catholic Church and Spain, the Habsburgers leading Portugal away from their own strength and wisdom. It is our aim to bring this knowledge and wisdom back to be used as leading principles to formulate a new concept of cooperation in our strife to heal the earth, environmental, societal and mentally, cut off old power structures that has been shaped over the last 500 years and has been a result of unrightful and unlawful exploitation and slavery, white supremacy, domination of the Catholic Church.

7. "Share, Care, Embrace finding New Ways in Wisdom and Beauty. Our Duty" will be our new slogan and this symbolize our wish to create a better world and life on Earth rewriting history and shape a new life in health and wealth.   


8. King Manual I

Born in Alcochete, near Montijo 30 minutes drive centre Lisbon May 31, 1469, Portugal —died December 1521 in Lisbon. King of Portugal from 1495 to 1521.

How Portugal became the first           nation-state in Europe
          Birth of A Nation

Islamic re-inventions of Ancient science        700-1100 and copied by Portugal


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