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The common state of being

Information about the use of cannabis in the Netherlands.

Research about use in Europe:

Ever used

Recently used.

Portugal respectively  9,4 and 1,7

Spain 30,4 and 6,6

Netherlands 25,6 and 5,3

Effects of an unhealthy lifestyle
An unhealthy lifestyle causes a disorder of biochemistry in the body. This has six disastrous effects:
Hyperacidity (over acidification);
Overload of the Stress system;
Pancreatic Overload;
Overload of the Intestine.

If there is any of these effects, there is a chance of a serious illness such as vascular disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, depression and osteoporosis.

Six causes of diseases
The following conditions show the six causes of major diseases. They weaken health and cause most Western diseases. About the emergence of these diseases and diseases:
- Hyperacidity
Acidic acidosis occurs, inter alia, by excess of (animal) proteins, acute and chronic stress, too much sugar and white flour and fermentation. Acidation results in, among other things, stiffening, softening, aging, kidney stones and bone calcification.
- inflammation
Is caused by stress, wrong diet, overweight, food allergies, intestinal problems and body acidification. It contributes to vascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, insomnia and depression.
- Oxidation
Causes burns (causing free radicals), stress, sugar and inflammation. Anti-oxidative is, among other things, less eating (low burn), eating low protein, low stress levels, eating little or no sugar and white flour.
- Overload of the stress system
Stress has the following effects: body aging, wrinkle formation, thickening, thin legs and arms, high blood 

Bollywood stars suffer from depression

and start a great foundation for helping young people in India and all over the world.

-Deepika Padukone, Founder, The Live Love Laugh Foundation

”We know those going through depression, anxiety or stress want to have a deeper understanding of themselves. They want to feel reassured that there’s help. The Live Love Laugh Foundation is that common platform where everyone can get comprehensive knowledge, connect with professionals, and find comfort knowing that they’re not alone. There is genuine help.”

10 Habits That Change Boys Into Men

The demise of our culture will result from the demise of its men if something isn’t changed quickly.

Far too many men remain directionless, devastated and scared children. Male suicide rate increased to three to four times higher than the female suicide rate. Men are twice as likely as women to become alcoholics. And males are far more likely to commit juvenile crimeA common theme is that men and boys have become increasingly confused about their identity and rolein society. Read about this enormous problem for humanity.

What are dilemma's for humans in life 2017:

1. How to develop hope, will, purposefulness, faithfulness, love, care, wisdom in a human's life?

2. How to filter and seperate all the information you get in a day?

3. How can I become authentic in my life, find my own will and what I want?

4. How to tell what I think about a situation without hurting somebody or giving a wrong impression about myself?

5. How to ask space for my own thinking and feelings?

6. How to give all the bad and negative information about the world a place in oneself and still work on your own development, growth?

7. How to deal with pain?

8. How to become a strong human?

9. How to learn from the old wisdom that is in the world?

10. How to understand the great teachings and knowledge in the world and apply it to your own life?

11. How to study in an easy way about the great teachings of the world?

12. How to make time for my inner quest and unrest in myself and give it a place to let is be my own decision what to do?

13. How can I learn what I want?

14. How to meditate, learn meditation technics?

15. How to come in contact with wise people and speak with them, let them give their opinion about your life and situations?

16. How can I stay young and conquer death? How do we prevent aging?

17. What is the secret of longivity?

Questions about human life:

What is this life for?
What moves this incredible universe?
What are the mysteries of life and death?
What is consciousness?
What is the calling of the Great Teachings?
How to understand and use the human equipment correctly?
How to think?
How to have maturity in once emotional lives?
How to become sensitive to finer radiations?
How energy behaves?
How operate natural laws?
How works the universe?
What is the origin of letters and words?
How can I understand myself and others?
How can I become sensitive about surrounding energy and intentions of people towards me and others?
How to read people?
How to trust people?
How to know thyself, my inner working, the signals of my body?
What is higher emotion and what low?
Where to find inspirational dealing?
How to focus and concentrate on a goal in life?
How to learn what I want in life?
How to become a leader?
Is there male and female energy?
What is the difference between a man and a woman?
How to become independent?
How to cut the influence of your family, early education on your character, behavior pattern?
Are there stages in life of different attenties and energies?
What is connecting humans?
What is the function of art for our personal growth?
Who am I, what is important in my life, help me to find motivating energy sothat I can identivate myself with it, help me to grow, help me to understand myself in relation to others, help me to understand the function of my body and how it blocks me or stimulates me to discover myself?


Happiness means different things to different people. Almost all of us want to be happy, and in some parts of the world happiness is even seen as something we have a right to have — but what is it? For some it is about material comfort, security, even plenty; for others it is about health and family and deep relationships; yet others look for inner peace and contentment. Clearly happiness is a central concern in our lives, something that fills our time and crosses all areas of human activity, search, desire, imagination and creativity.

Many great teachers have suggested happiness is our very essence. The Indian sage Ramana Maharshi once famously said, “Happiness is your true nature,” echoing the words of Inayat Khan: “The soul itself is happiness.” Perhaps happiness is hidden within us, so close we can’t see it.

What keeps us from recognizing this self-arising happiness? How can we experience it directly and how does it transform us? Is it possible (and okay) to be happy in an unhappy world? What about happiness and grief; happiness and beauty; happiness in relationships; happiness in the middle of the routines of our daily lives? What part do the arts play in revealing happiness — and is “happiness” even the right word?

What separates those who accomplish outstanding feats from those who don’t? According to author and researcher Joshua Foer, it’s the dedication and willpower to doggedly push beyond the “OK Plateau.” When most of us learn a new skill, we work to get just “good enough” and then we go on autopilot.

We hit what Foer calls the “OK Plateau,” where we have gained sufficient skills for our needs; at which point, we stop pushing ourselves. But experts – those who excel beyond all others in their fields – do it differently.

Children, young people and families

Forming a family and parenting is an important part of life, with many changes taking place. Both mothers' and fathers' mental health may be affected during this transition, which may influence their child's mental health. Poor mental health in parents can have a catastrophic affect, not just for the parents but throughout their children's lifetime

At any one time, 1 in 10 children and young people have a diagnosable mental health problem, and it is well established that most adolescent and adult mental illness can be traced back to childhood.

How many people misuse prescription drugs (USA)?

7.1 % of people aged 12 and older misused prescription drugs in the past year.

What kinds of prescription drugs are people misusing?

12.5 million         people misused opioid pain relievers

6.1 million           people misused tranquilizers

5.3 million           people misused stimulants

1.5 million           people misused sedatives

Chronic Fear and Anxiety

The only way to deal with fear is to face it. Avoiding it prevents us from moving forward—it makes us anxious. Therapists can be invaluable in helping us work through our avoiding strategies. If you have experienced trauma, it is especially important to work with a therapist to create a safe environment where you can face your fear and reconstruct your memories.

Go for a walk in nature

Learn more about how nature enhances our wellbeing and resililence. As the new field of nature-based therapies shows, being in nature reduces fear and anxiety and increases pleasant feelings. Looking at a scene of natural beauty, people describe their feelings with words like calm, beauty, happiness, hope, and aliveness. Being connected to nature not only makes people feel better emotionally, it reduces blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones—all signals of stress and fear.

So when you are fighting feelings of fear or anxiety, find a park or greenspace and go for a walk or run. In addition to the restorative effects of nature, the physical exercise will also help your mood.

In summary

Face your fears and anxieties so they don’t become debilitating. Identify ways to create a sense of personal control or mastery in your life.

Practice stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness meditation or aerobic exercise.

Shift your focus to the positive emotions in daily life.

Work to identify meaning and purpose in your life.

Get support from others.

Go for a walk or run in a park.

And finally, even if you are challenged by fear, don’t ignore other parts of your life. It is possible to find wellbeing in relationships and purpose even while working on security.

Don't forget to work for the greater good as well

pressure, dementia, depression, fatigue, susceptibility to diseases such as cancer, stroke and vascular disease. Hunting yourself (hunting) is so funest.

- Pancreatic overload

The conclusion is that due to unrefined food, much movement and little stress the insulin level is kept low and the pancreas is spared.

- Intestinal overload.

To be avoided by not rushed, eat not too much and very fiber rich food. Being relaxed is also good for the intestines.

No clean water, not enough food
Life on earth 2017. You and I, WE.

Fresh water is the lifeblood of our planet:
But right now, nearly 800 million people around the world don’t have access to clean drinking water.

It’s heart-wrenching to think about what that number means: families exposed to dangerous diseases from contaminated water, livelihoods destroyed, communities forced to leave the places they’ve called home for generations.

Sadly, the problem is getting worse: By 2030, our need for fresh water will outstrip the available supply by 40%.

More shocking number about our fellow humans, fellow world citizen:

795 million people don’t have enough to eat, and the problem is only getting worse.

Our food system is leaving people hungry while devastating our environment

You don´t want to now how poisoned we are from all the toxins we get in us. Let alone all the vaxinations from doctors from day one with our birth. We have to change our world and dependency. Get more natural. 
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