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We love to be your starting point, your life changer for the best, your anchor, your stepping stone, your future orientation



1. A promotion center about new measurements and actions to save the Earth with the latest technology in sustainability, biobased products describing, showing a roadmap for 80% carbon reduction in 30 years supported by the Lifescience University of Wageningen, the Netherlands. Business to business and governments/institutions.

Business to consumers.


2. The wisdom and beauty of Portugal since it's origination.


3. Our village based on life in 1500 in Portugal with Share, Care and Embrace as theme going back to the early believes of the first Christian Churches after Jesus such as Essenes, Johannites which has influenced the Cathars, the Templars, Portugal since its origine in the 11/12th century.








​4. The latest technology in agriculture such as installing solar plants for new income for farmers as also collecting rainwater for irrigating dry land, new crops fulfilling new demands for biobased products, biobased economy combined with the knowledge and expertise of biodynamic and organic farming.


5. New revolutionary concepts for developing business, communities, organizations in rural dry areas (semi arid climatezones) with no economic perspective so far.


6. Organizing work and responsibility in a new way building new business, communities, work based on share, care and embrace bringing in new development strength never seen before exploiting potential now many times get lost in disarrangement.


7. Setting up netwerk between community, villagers, participants, 

business, institutions, initiatives for interrelation and support with own developmentfunds and responsibility for all.


8. Extra space and support for new plans, initiatives, inventions, ideas.


9. All electricity will be produced by own solar plant installation run by community and cooperation which delivers free electricity as part of "the Share, Care, Embrace principle" for the villagers, the resort and business. Inhabitants, business and others in neighboring cities and region can become member of the cooperation and get electricity for low prices.


10. New start ups in the sustainable, carbon reduction business supported by the Future Resort and community/village.


11. In the resort and village all vehicles, engines, machinery, equipment are electrically driven.


12. The life in the community/village will be inspired by the life of 1500 in Portugal which means no sigarets, no coffee and black tea, no patatoes and the food and diet will be simular.


13. Health centers, spas and beauty salons from the region, Mediterranean, the World.


14. Resort and suites can be rented by customers from all over the world who want to experience the offered examples of  healthy life in technological applications, examples of living sustainable reducing the negative impact for the Earth and our fellow beings but also the harmony of a new society implementing the wisdom and beauty of the past in moments of realization and hospitality giving insight in life and strength for the future.


15. The resort and community/village will attract customers and vistors from all over the world because of the new surprises and solutions for a healthy, sustainable, independent, decentralised, free, open and happy life we offer taking life in our own hands again learning from the past and joining progression and future orientation for health and wealth for us all on earth.





Ancient Essenes

Electricy for the resort and community produced by our own solar plant. A cooperation managing it and people and business from outside can also become member and get the best offer in electricity and sharing our richness.
All the latest technology and                comfort of the 21th century                 combined with the wisdom, feeling of safety, truth, trust of the 15th. Experience it in our  Future Resort

Secret of treatment for queens and princesses at Medieval courts to be offered at our resort. Unforgettable moments in your life. Find it out yourself.

Portugal as first nation in Europe to learn from the advanced scientific knowledge of the Islamic world being so far ahead on dark medieval Europe fearing God and the Catholic Church proclaimed that the world was flat and Hell beneath. Portugal had the right quality to have selfknowledge and the ability to learn and start to work, develop becoming from nothing to a leading worldpower with an excellent fleet of ships and maritien knowledge. We need the same leap ahead mentality bringing the latest in technology and having the right mentality to change in order to save the planet: our Mother Earth.
Portugal showed us the way. We have to do it again.
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